MCAT Noteboard Booklet | Laminated MCAT Whiteboard with Wet Erase Marker

MCAT Prep Erasable Noteboard

MCAT Noteboard for Test Day Experience | MCAT Whiteboard

Practice MCAT Noteboard Booklet with Staedtler Marker

Look Inside the MCAT Prep Erasable Notepad
noteboard booklet

Product Details:
Spiral-bound: 10 pages
GTIN: 00897264001146
Publisher: Gold Standard; 1st edition
Publication date: February 10, 2020
Suggested retail price: $19.99
Package Dimensions: 14 x 8.5 x 0.2 inches

Laminated Whiteboard to Make Your Mock Exams More Realistic.

The MCAT noteboard booklet by Gold Standard provides a simulation of the real exam notepad; it is NOT a replica.

You are not allowed to use scratch paper on the real test day. Instead, the AAMC will provide you with a fine point marker and a laminated MCAT noteboard booklet with spiral binding where you can do your calculations and note-taking. The booklet has fine lines making up a grid.

The Gold Standard practice noteboard booklet is 8.5" x 14" in size. It is double-sided composed of a cover page and nine pages of graph paper. This laminated MCAT whiteboard follows the preceding guidelines. Its marker is the current brand used for the actual exam: Staedtler Lumocolor non-permanent marker with a fine point, black, made in Germany. It is referred to as a wet erase pen, as opposed to a dry erase pen.

This noteboard does not contain any practice questions. You should use this product in conjunction with full-length MCAT practice tests (available separately from many sources) under timed conditions to better simulate your upcoming actual test day.

Now you will have this extra tool for the purpose of your mock exam simulations. Good luck!

Note: MCAT® is a registered trademark of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), which neither sponsors nor endorses this product or our methodology.

GMAT® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission CouncilTM, which neither sponsors nor endorses this product or our methodology.

DAT® and OAT® are registered trademarks of the American Dental Association, which neither sponsors nor endorses this product or our methodology.

For longer product use: Do not drench or soak the notepad in water. Too much water can seep in between the lamination and cause permanent damage to the notepad. Consider cleaning with a lightly moistened paper towel with or without a multipurpose cleaner such as Windex®. Please keep the cap on the marker when not in use to avoid premature drying out and leaking. If your marker seems to have dried out prematurely, try writing on paper for a minute and the ink will normally start to flow again.

Clarifications about changes: The real exam notepad has had reported minor changes over time; for example, with or without page numbers at the bottom of the graph paper pages, the exact extent of the graph paper on each page, presence/absence of headers, white vs very light tan/yellow color. This is why this product is referred to as a simulation and not a replica.

Use for other exams: Some students may use this product for other computer-based standardized exams that use similar notepads such as GMAT, DAT, OAT, etc. Note that at the time of publication, for the DAT and OAT, 2 sheets (4 pages) and 2 markers are provided at the time of the exam rather than the 5 sheets (10 pages, 9 available for work) and 1 marker of this MCAT Prep product.